Pandemic Year-in-Review
by Adam Forry This week is exactly one year since the Covid-19 shutdown. What have we learned this past year about how to respond to hard...
This is the story of Zeke, a hand puppet. This is not a tall tale. It is not made up or exaggerated. It is a true story, one that teaches...
by Carrie Davies The apostle Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 5 to “walk in love” (verse 2) conclude with this beautiful exhortation for...
PERMAnant Gains
by Harvey Payne In tough times, like the year 2020, external difficulties are often compounded by our own unhealthy reactions. We get...
Inside Information
by Harvey Payne Suffering is a terrible, yet very real, part of our human experience. We tend to put it out of mind until it comes...
January 1 is a chance to make a fresh start. Typically, at the start of the year, people determine to improve their lives by healthier...
During the Christmas season, we celebrate the hope, peace, joy, and love found in Jesus. We rejoice in biblical promises of hope, peace,...
By Faith
In hope, the Millersville (Pa.) BIC Church made the decision to press ahead to full recovery—and people pledged to be active partners in...
In Hope
After an extended season of growth, Millersville (Pa.) Brethren in Christ Church encountered a series of demoralizing setbacks and...
Last Words
Shakespeare, who was a master at captivating audiences, wrote: "The tongues of dying men enforce attention . . ." Jesus’ last words,...
The Same Mighty Power
In the first chapter of Ephesians, the apostle Paul piles up four synonyms for power to communicate the enormity of the power that raised...
Though not yet cited by the Center for Disease Control, Americans are exposed, day after day, to the toxic infection of sexual excess. In...
For nine days in October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta features mass ascensions of hot air balloons that fill the sky...
The word “affluenza” is a blend of two words, affluence and influenza. This melded word was popularized in a PBS documentary in 1997 and...
Some Christ-followers are careless about learning the truths of the faith. Like fans of low-calorie versions of food and drink, they...