The word “affluenza” is a blend of two words, affluence and influenza. This melded word was popularized in a PBS documentary in 1997 and...

Some Christ-followers are careless about learning the truths of the faith. Like fans of low-calorie versions of food and drink, they...

El mal humor
El mal humor es una dolencia común causada típicamente por una ofensa o un revés. Alguien dice o hace algo, o no lo hace, y a nosotros...

Colds and other ailments are common in winter. Even when take precautions, we usually manage to “catch” something. Sadly, there are...

La influenza
Cada año, alrededor de este tiempo, tenemos que luchar con una temporada de influenza. Para evitar el contagio se nos aconseja dormir...

Every year, about this time, we contend with a flu season. To avoid infection, we are urged to get sleep, take multivitamins, wash our...

When we think of underdogs, biblical heroes like David, Gideon, and Moses come to mind. We do not normally think of the apostle Paul as...

God called Moses, a shepherd at the time, to set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt. So Moses took his wife and sons and went back...

God performs mighty works in ways that confound our expectations. When we trust him, he saves by many or few, by strong or weak, by much...

Sometimes we face challenges far beyond our capabilities. At these times, it is good to remember biblical heroes who prevailed against...

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). When the one true God makes a promise...

Quite Contrary
The 18th century nursery rhyme, “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary” rightly identifies contrariness as an undesirable trait. Still, there are...

Better Together
The multi-site movement, normally associated with larger churches, also creates an option for small and mid-sized churches. Where two (or...

Starr Trek
Week by week, empty nesters Charlie and Martha Starr participate in two churches. They worship in the early service at Cross Roads BIC...

In recent years, the phenomenon of crowdsourcing has been used to obtain goods, services, finances, information, and insights for a task...