Yellow Roses & Violets
This week Connie and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. It was a good time to reflect on the goodness of the Lord over these many...
Resignation with Integrity
Twelve years ago, David Hall resigned as senior pastor of the Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church (hereafter, EBIC). By reading and...
When people leave a church, it can be hard for the ones who remain. In a recent post in The Gospel Coalition, Dave Harvey offers helpful...
Rivers of Tears
I have lost family members to gun violence—a coup d’état, assassinations, and civil war in Liberia. I have lost friends to gun violence...
Busy, But Not Hurried
Jesus was busy. But not like we’re busy. Jesus has been on the move since, well, forever. Hanging out with the Father and Spirit....
White Space
A really good friend who knows me demanded to know how I could say “yes” to doing one more thing. “You can’t possibly have time,” he...
Prophetic Witness
The Kingdom of God as dreamt by Isaiah, as revealed to John, and as preached by Jesus, is a kingdom of every nation, every tribe, and...
A Life to Share
God has provided a way for the good news of Jesus to reach every city and village in the world. Through us, as followers of Jesus, God is...
As followers of Jesus, we must not be surprised by inner conflict. Nor should we be distressed. The contention between ingrained...
¡Los conflictos!
Como seguidores de Jesús, no nos debemos sorprender ante los conflictos interiores. Tampoco nos debemos angustiar. Las contiendas entre...
Gifted by the Spirit
Manifestations of the Spirit, reminiscent of the early church, are occurring today. Gifted by the Spirit, believers around the world are...
Dotados por el Espíritu
Hoy en día se están produciendo manifestaciones del Espíritu que nos recuerdan a la Iglesia en sus primeros tiempos. En el mundo entero...
United in Spirit
Sometimes, we have to laugh (or grimace) at our frailty. We come to church to learn about love and on the way home criticize someone. We...
Unidos en espíritu
A veces nos tenemos que reír (o al menos sonreír) ante nuestra fragilidad. Venimos a la iglesia para aprender acerca del amor y de vuelta...
In an outpouring of joy and praise, Mary, the expectant mother of the long- promised Messiah, communicates her amazement and awe in words...