Lion King
An endearing scene in the animated Disney movie, Lion King , is the formal presentation of Simba, the newborn son of King Mufasa and...
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus gave his disciples a prayer that we call “The Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4). Though we can pray the words as they...
47 Ronin
Most countries have stories that highlight the historical values of the nation. Recently, I learned about the Japanese story of the 47...
There are times when God acts in great and powerful ways (Isaiah 29:5-7). More typically, the work of God in us is subtle and gradual....
There are times, for all of us, when we are running on empty. Like Elijah, these times can come when we least expect them. The adrenaline...
Thunderstorms, snowstorms, sandstorms, hurricanes, and tornados remind us that few places on earth are exempt from storms. Neither are...
Boulders, Rocks, and Pebbles
The way the Holy Spirit strives to change us can be illustrated by a family that buys property in the mountains, sight unseen, with the...
Something Old, Something New
As pandemic restrictions ease, you may be (more than) ready to return to church-life-as-usual. But first, take time to consider positive...
As pandemic disruptions ease, will you return to church? You may be seriously asking: Why be part of the Church? Why participate in a...
Pandemic Year-in-Review
by Adam Forry This week is exactly one year since the Covid-19 shutdown. What have we learned this past year about how to respond to hard...
PERMAnant Gains
by Harvey Payne In tough times, like the year 2020, external difficulties are often compounded by our own unhealthy reactions. We get...
Inside Information
by Harvey Payne Suffering is a terrible, yet very real, part of our human experience. We tend to put it out of mind until it comes...
January 1 is a chance to make a fresh start. Typically, at the start of the year, people determine to improve their lives by healthier...
Last Words
Shakespeare, who was a master at captivating audiences, wrote: "The tongues of dying men enforce attention . . ." Jesus’ last words,...
Not a Tame Lion
As Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem (on the day we call Palm Sunday), the crowd cheered wildly in the hope that he would overthrow...