Christmas Mix
by Carrie Blythe Davies In my experience, church-goers at Christmastime love to sing traditional Christmas carols. And this is great,...
Something Old, Something New
As pandemic restrictions ease, you may be (more than) ready to return to church-life-as-usual. But first, take time to consider positive...
This is the story of Zeke, a hand puppet. This is not a tall tale. It is not made up or exaggerated. It is a true story, one that teaches...
by Carrie Davies The apostle Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 5 to “walk in love” (verse 2) conclude with this beautiful exhortation for...
The word “affluenza” is a blend of two words, affluence and influenza. This melded word was popularized in a PBS documentary in 1997 and...
In recent years, the phenomenon of crowdsourcing has been used to obtain goods, services, finances, information, and insights for a task...
Setting Direction IV
Greg Starr, pastor of New Life Church of Hershey (Pa.), customized an approach to setting direction that fits New Life. With his...
Ajustando el rumbo III
Rod White, iconoclasta por temperamento y por intención, desafía de forma activa las tendencias de la Iglesia a actuar “desde arriba...
Setting Direction III
Rod White, an iconoclast by temperament and intention, actively challenges the “top down” tendencies of the Church. As founding pastor of...
Ajustando el rumbo II
La colaboración en el discernimiento del rumbo que debe tomar una iglesia local está apoyada por una verdad bíblica que recibe el nombre...
Setting Direction II
Collaboration in discerning direction for a local church is undergirded by a biblical truth, called the priesthood of all believers (1...
Ajustando el rumbo I
Por medio de Jesús tenemos acceso directo a Dios (1 Pedro 2:9). Esta verdad, que recibe el nombre de “sacerdocio de todos los creyentes”,...
Setting Direction I
Through Jesus, we have direct access to God (1 Peter 2:9). This truth, called the priesthood of all believers, undergirds the practice of...
In this digital age, people tend to check a church's website before attending. Once in the church, attenders want to stay connected...
Clean up Your Mess
As our daughters were growing up, we had a standing rule before mealtimes: clean up your mess. We expected our daughters to take...