Mrs. Petruzzeli’s Class
I was a refugee from Africa—born in Monrovia (Liberia), by way of Freetown (Sierra Leone) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast)—who settled initially...
Hard Questions
A flourishing church in southern Lancaster County (Pa.) hit a rough patch. In quick succession, the church lost three pastors, each time...
A Time to Heal
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes wrote: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: . . . [such as] a time...
Veritas is a place for a postmodern generation to seek truth. This emerging faith community in the art district of Lancaster (Pa.) gives...
La verdad
Véritas es un lugar donde una generación postmoderna puede buscar la verdad. Esta nueva comunidad de fe situada en el distrito artístico...
A Fruitful Tree
After 180 years, Washington Boro (Pa.) Church of God is like an old apple tree. The church has matured over the decades. It is deeply...
Un árbol fructífero
Después de ciento ochenta años, la Iglesia de Dios de Washington Boro (Pa.) es como un viejo manzano. Esta iglesia ha ido madurando a lo...
La alineación
Como los vehículos, las iglesias pueden perder el alineamiento. Cuando se desdibuja un claro sentido de misión a base de “la forma en que...
Like vehicles, churches can get out of alignment. When a clear sense of mission is blurred by “the way we’ve always done it,” moving...
Un lugar para sanar
Hace siete años, Anthony Martin quedó libre de una asignación misionera en Jamaica. Sentía el llamado al ministerio vocacional, pero este...
A Place to Mend
Seven years ago, Anthony Martin was released from a missions assignment in Jamaica. He felt a call to vocational ministry, but this...
Las inversiones
En seis años, la Iglesia Bethlehem Community Fellowship (BCF) creció de una docena de personas a cerca de noventa. Cuando le preguntamos...
In six years, Bethlehem Community Fellowship (BCF) grew from a dozen to nearly ninety people. When asked about this remarkable story of...
Free Fall
In the extreme sport of skydiving, exhilaration (or terror) is increased in free fall—the time, however long, before skydivers deploy...
Learning Curve
The phrase “learning curve” describes the rate of progress in gaining new skills or experience. As with most endeavors, it is good for a...