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hope for churches in stress



Barnabas Initiatives assists churches in times of stress. In our consulting, we actively listen to individuals and/or groups in the church. Our aim is to discern and articulate achievable and sustainable action steps to move the church toward healthy life and mission. Wherever possible, we apply the hopes, insights, and skills of people already in the church (or nearby churches) as the primary building blocks for revitalization.


The following stories describe outcomes in some of the churches that Barnabas Initiatives has assisted in consultations. In a sense, these stories are “case studies” of the work of Barnabas Initiatives. They illustrate the varying ways that this ministry endeavors to strengthen the life and mission of churches under duress.



Your services have been sincerely appreciated. Your assessment and summary of the last 18 months was very valuable. Your support, in-sight, experience, and love for this congregation were evident throughout your time here.


Brad Graham, Admin Pastor

Antrim BIC

December, 2024

Thank you for stepping up to help our church through a difficult time. Thank you even more for pressing in even when the outlook weasn't quite what we were hoping for.


Mindy Filer, treasurer

New Life Church of Hershey

May, 2024

"I am so vary grateful to you and Connie for your engage-ment at Bright Hope. A year + ago it seems like it could be a discouraging situation. I don't feel or sense that all all now. Jesus has once again used all of who the two of you are to help another congregation be prepared for the future."​

Bryan Hoke, Bishop
Atlantic Conference, BIC U.S.
June, 2022​

"Thank you so much for the many ways you gave of yourselves back to Jesus at Millersville. When combined with the faithfulness of Jesus, it really made a difference and amounted to much for the kingdom. I am so encouraged by that and appreciative."


Bryan Hoke, Bishop

Atlantic Conference, BIC U.S.

December, 2020





"Your encouragement and seemingly endless supply of optimism could only come through the Lord above. Our relationship has strengthened my personal faith."


Wayne Kantz, board chair

Millersville BIC

November, 2020





"Your joyful, can-do spirits, your diligence and work ethic, your love of others and faithfulness in prayer—all of these things have pointed our church—and my own heart—to the goodness of a life surrendered to the Lord." 


Steph Kantz, Children's Ministry

Millersville BIC

November, 2020​





"I enjoyed your sense of humor, your sensitive-kind spirit, your team building, your measured words, your leadership skills, your compassion for others, and countless other things. Connie, your joy is overwhelmingly contagious. You have lifted the spirits of our church. Your heart is full of love and grace. Your notes, emails, cards, and encouraging words always came at just the right time." 


Gail Yoder, Hospitality Team

Millersville BIC

November, 2020




"Thank you very much  for your preaching and presence at New Life in August! So much appreciated!"

Greg Starr, pastor

New Life Church of Hershey

September, 2019


"When a much loved lead pastor moves on, a local church can often find itself in an uncertain season and mission may stall.  We were blessed by Warren’s service as Interim Pastor, a service available to us through Barnabas Initiatives.  Warren led with grace, wisdom, and an encouraging spirit and helped to bridge that interim gap as seamlessly as possible.  His “Action Steps” to the Leadership Team and his friendship and counsel to me personally as Secretary of the Leadership Team were invaluable.  Warren’s many years of varied ministry serves him well in his consultations.”


Dave Witmer 

Speedwell Heights BIC

June, 2018

"Warren, thank you for your encouraging talks, guidance, wisdom, love and support. Thanks for teaching us that God lifts up underdogs. Thanks for all your hard work to help us not just survive, but to thrive.​

Tim Bartholomew
worship team leader
Bright Hope Fellowship
June, 2022​

"You were able to come along side the pastor and support him during the conflict. This assisted him to discover healing and wholeness and to continue in the pastorate with a passion for ministry."

Chuck Naylor 

Free Grace BIC

August, 2018


"BIC Canada is deeply grateful to Barnabas Initiatives and to Warren for his help with a difficult, emotional situation.  He helped a church, a pastoral family, and the denomination with grace, kindness and love.  His wise insight, advice and kindness in the situation were deeply appreciated.  I would highly recommend Warren and Barnabas Initiatives to churches looking for help, assistance, advice and direction."

Doug Sider

Director, BIC Canada

May, 2017


"I am so glad we decided to walk this journey with Warren and Barnabas Initiatives.


"Warren sat and listened to us, but even more, he listened to what the Spirit was saying to our church.  As a result, we walked away with practical next steps that we are eager to 

employ within the life of our church."

Pastor Chris Freet 

Millersville (Pa.) BIC 

February, 2017


"I want to thank Warren for taking the time to meet with me and, afterward, to write a summary of our conversation. Our meeting was very productive and very beneficial to me."


Pastor John Buhr

Fredericksburg (Pa.)

Baptist Church

January, 2015


"I know God put in motion, through Warren, something that could only happen with God's direction, not mine, and we are blessed because we listened to Him."

Bryan Jenkins

council chair,

Real Life Church of God

East Petersburg, Pa.

October, 2016


"New Trail is back on its feet, tottering somewhat, but getting stronger! The Holy Spirit is revealing Himself through peace and love that is greater than we have ever seen before in this body. You locked your arms into ours and lifted us up and encouraged us to walk in the power of our Lord!" 


  Pastor Stan Norman

and the Leadership Council

New Trail Fellowship

 Abilene (Ks.)

April, 2015


"I am grateful for the work of Warren Hoffman and Barnabas Initiatives.  He has served multiple churches in our area and each time the result has been the local church serving with greater effectiveness in the mission to which Jesus is calling them."

Bryan Hoke

Bishop of the Atlantic

Conference, BIC U.S.

February , 2016


"Barnabas Initiatives provides a very significant consulting service, particularly to smaller congregations and ministries. Warren possesses a genuine understanding of the unique mission, value and challenges of smaller churches and ministries. His experience as missionary, pastor and general church executive provide a rich pool from which he can draw. Most important, his passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, sensitive listening to the Spirit of God and gentle spirit are invaluable in creating an atmosphere for congregational listening and willingness to take significant faith steps."


   Pastor Joe Hyatt

New Beginnings Church

Ephrata (Pa.)

May, 2015



"I would greatly recommend Barnabas Initiatives to any Pastor that is seeking God’s future direction and feels an assessment of their ministry is needed. Warren can be trusted with God’s flock and is a wonderful encouragement to the pastor in this journey." 


Pastor Gary Smith

  Agape Fellowship Church

York (Pa.)

July, 2015


"It was our pleasure to have you and Connie share with us at our recent one-day retreat for pastors and spouses. Those that I have talked to since the retreat expressed great appreciation for your teaching. I would echo that. My wife commented on what a good teacher you are and how well you held her attention. I greatly appreciated the perspective you brought to familiar Bible stories and passages."  


Richard Mininger

Bishop, Harrisburg District

Lancaster Mennonite Conference

March, 2016

"I wholeheartedly recommend my friend Warren Hoffman and his Barnabas Initiatives."


Perry Engle 

Bishop of the Midwest and Pacific Conferences, BIC U.S.

December, 2014

Barnabas Initiatives is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donors are invited to contribute. Client churches are asked to reimburse expenses, but are not assessed a fee for service. Instead, as they are able, churches are asked to consider a per diem or customized contribution. 

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